The TEN PM Blog

The Night Drink - What’s Inside

Drug-free and non-habit forming, Ten PM's Night Drink is science backed and packed full of natural ingredients to provide you with a healthy and relaxing sleep experience

What Really Happens When You Sleep?

What Really Happens When You Sleep?

Discover what truly happens when you close your eyes.

5 Quick & Easy Ways To Calm Your Racing Thoughts At Night

5 Quick & Easy Ways To Calm Your Racing Thoughts At Night

1. Master the Art of Mind Dumping A racing mind often stems from feeling overwhelmed, which can come from having too many thoughts or tasks. But journaling allows you to organize and lay out...

5 Reasons Why Everyone Is Switching To This Hot Chocolate For A Great Night’s Sleep

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The Night Drink

Everything You Need To Know About The Night Drink

Learn how to maximize the benefits of your Night Drink for deeper sleep, less stress and a happier state of mind!

Is Your Diet Sabotaging Your Sleep Quality?

Is Your Diet Sabotaging Your Sleep Quality?

Find out now which foods are wreaking havoc on your sleep habits.

Why Snoring Destroys Your Sleep & Makes You Wake Up Exhausted

Why Snoring Destroys Your Sleep & Makes You Wake Up Exhausted

Waking Up During The Night - A Lot Snoring can cause you to wake up at night due to the vibrations of the soft tissues in your throat, which can narrow your airway and cause a decrease in ox...

5 Reasons Why Not Getting Enough Sleep is Bad For You

5 Reasons Why Not Getting Enough Sleep is Bad For You

1. It’s Harder To Think Straight Sleep is essential for our cognitive function. During sleep, our brains consolidate memories, process emotions, and recharge. When we don't get enough sleep,...