The TEN PM Blog

The Night Cookie - What’s Inside

Drug-free and non-habit forming, Ten PM's Night Cookie is science backed and packed full of natural ingredients to provide you with a healthy and relaxing sleep experience

The Magic in Magnesium

The Magic in Magnesium

Magnesium, often referred to as the “sleep mineral,” is a crucial nutrient for our overall health. It's a natural wonder that plays a vital role in helping us achieve a restful night of sleep.

Recipe: Evening Chocolate Yoghurt Bites

Recipe: Evening Chocolate Yoghurt Bites

These tasty chocolate yogurt bites using Ten PM's hot chocolate are the perfect evening snack that will help to relieve your stress and drift you off into dream land! Evening Chocolate Yogurt Bites...

10 Top Benefits of Getting More Sleep

10 Top Benefits of Getting More Sleep

Learn why sleep is so important for us and why you need to prioritise it as part of your overall health and wellness.

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Recipe: Night Time Chocolate Ice Cream

Recipe: Night Time Chocolate Ice Cream

  On a warm summers evening, what better than enjoying a healthy and relaxing chocolate ice cream, knowing that it'll help to relieve your stress and drift you off into dream land! Evening Chocolat...

The Night Drink - What’s Inside

Drug-free and non-habit forming, Ten PM's Night Drink is science backed and packed full of natural ingredients to provide you with a healthy and relaxing sleep experience

5 Reasons To Never Run Out Of The Night Drink Again
What Really Happens When You Sleep?

What Really Happens When You Sleep?

Discover what truly happens when you close your eyes.