Sleep is the Swiss Army Knife of health. When sleep is deficient there is sickness and disease. And when sleep is abundant, there is vitality and health.

Matt Walker

Sleep is the Foundation of a Healthy Life

We want to create a world where everyone gets restful sleep and lives their best life through delicious snacks and natural remedies. As well as the clear physical benefits, good quality sleep is critical to mindfulness and your mental health

Powerful, natural ingredients backed by science

We’ve created a powerful and all-natural formula and all ingredients have been extensively tested to ensure they support a peaceful and restful night's sleep. Each of our products contains these sleep-inducing ingredients such as Magnesium, Ashwagandha, L-Glycine, L-Theanine and many others.

We believe and we care

We are a brand which takes our environmental and social responsibility extremely seriously. That’s why we use only recyclable materials in all of our packaging and through our charity partner we plant a tree with every order. Additionally, all of our products are made here in the UK.


Everything we do as a company is based on a simple belief that sleep is critical to our overall health and wellbeing.

Ten PM was founded in 2021 by Dan Fabian after years of struggling with sleep. Not wanting to depend on medication to improve his health, Dan decided to take matters into his own hands and looked for natural ways to help improve his sleep. After months of researching and experimenting with nootropics, superfoods and adaptogens, he discovered that certain ingredients were having a hugely positive impact on his sleep. He focused on how to incorporate these remarkable ingredients into novel tasty foods and drinks to help fellow sufferers relax and fall asleep. Dan’s vision to help others improve their sleep took soon led to the creation of Ten PM.

Your Evening Routine Starts with Ten PM

We believe that one of the main causes of sleep issues is the lack of prioritisation of sleep in our daily lives. "It's fascinating how many of us have a morning routine involving a cup of tea or coffee, a shower, and a healthy breakfast to set ourselves up for the day. However, only a few of us have an evening routine. By evening routine, I mean signalling to our body and mind that it's nearing bedtime and aiding the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone, to enhance sleep quality. We have created products to prioritise your evening routine in an enjoyable way while naturally increasing your melatonin levels with vitamins, minerals, amino acids, adaptogens and nootropics."

Dan Fabian, Founder